Well, today is the 10th day since i arrived in perth. Internet was down for the past few days so we spent the nights watching random shows on tv and the rugby world cup finals yesterday. NZ won Aus. hahah. Hmm, toured perth this couple of days with visits to UWA, fremantle, kings park, a rose garden, north bridge - the city centre, burswood - perth's only casino resort and we visited the pinnacle yesterday.
This is my fellow ex bunk plus platoon mate and future housemate. He just left perth 5 hours ago. Bon Voyage!
This is my uncle living in perth. Currently staying at his place. My mum and grandmother is leaving tomorrow and I will have more time to do a detailed update! haha.
Monday, November 24, 2008
10th Day
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Well, i landed in perth on 15th nov. Slacked through the first day. Toured Albany, Pemberton and Margaret River the next three days and attended my gf's graduation ceremony today. Slow internet is not helping. haha. Will post pictures when i get them all and when the internet gets faster! hahah.
hope ya're feeling better chris!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
XiXi's birthday and Jon's Wedding
Celebrated XiXi's 20th birthday on 31st Oct at a steamboat buffet dinner near bugis. After that, we merlion-ed xixi at our usual hangout - The Boozer Room.

Went to PS Jon's Wedding on 1st Nov. Congrats! I wish you everlasting love! haha.

Busy weekend for me. To top it off, the red devils is back in the top three. haha. We are going back to the top soon. Wwweeeee are the champions my friend!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Finally it is nov! woooo. ord mth. haha.
Yesterday was xixi's birthday. happy birthday bro!
Today is PS Jon's wedding. hahah.
Friday is ORD.