Saturday, March 28, 2009

Homemade Lunch

Diana made some glutinous rice into a sushi on monday. hahah. We had it for lunch on monday.

Played some games on my itouch.

And obviously i won. haha.

A short post. nothing exciting except for mambo last night. haha. will write a post when i get the pics. 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Went crabbing and fishing on friday with pek, diana, jeff and sean. The weather was damn bad which means that it was the best weather to catch crabs. hahah. Reach there about 5.30pm and waited till the rain to subside before we proceed to the jetty. 

Cast the nets and we got one crab from our first attempt! hahah. We braved through the extremely cold weather and erratic rain. Did not manage to catch any fish due to the big waves ( or so we tell ourselves ). But we caught 23 crabs in total! Jeff and Sean took a few back and we gave some away and me and pek finish the rest. It was damn shiok. The crabs were big and sweeet. hahah. definitely worth braving through the monstrous weather. hahah

Well unless your nose got caught by the crabs.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday Blues

This is my latest toy! haha. (mum, i did not abuse your funds) This is actually my birthday present from my girlfriend! thanks bee! I am now officially addicted to taptap revenge 2. 

This weekend was spend mostly with friends. Mj-ed with Pek, Brandon and Frankie Soh on Thurs as we did not have lessons on friday. Played till we were quite shag and we went for supper at macs in Vic Park. Wanted to bring them to Icey Ice but well, they decided to close earlier than their closing hours.

Went over to Sing's house with Diana and Pek on friday. Then, we went for mee siam at my girlfriend's place. Sing was dying due to the spicyness of the mee siam. hahahah. After that, Sing came over and leeched our internet from about 10pm on Fri till 8 pm on Sat. hahaha. The picture below is evidence of him leeching our internet for his WOW's Ggodlay. 

zzzzzzzzz back to the thick book

Monday, March 9, 2009

Coldplay Concert

I went to coldplay's concert in perth at burswood dome with pek, my cousin and her friends on my birthday! hahah. It was my first time going to a coldplay concert and i had high expectation due to constant rave reviews from sally. I must say i was very impress and left yearning for more of coldplay! Chris Martin was charismatic as usual, Will Champion sang a song, Johnny Buckland was cool and Guy Berryman was awesome. 

The concert hit was at its loudest during yellow, the hardest part and the scientist! The visual effects was outstanding and it was really gooooood! Especially during Lovers in Japan! There were like hundred thousands of paper cut butterfly falling from the top. hahah. I urge all my singapore friends to go for their Singapore concert! 

stay strong G! look forward not backwards.