This is my latest toy! haha. (mum, i did not abuse your funds) This is actually my birthday present from my girlfriend! thanks bee! I am now officially addicted to taptap revenge 2.

This weekend was spend mostly with friends. Mj-ed with Pek, Brandon and Frankie Soh on Thurs as we did not have lessons on friday. Played till we were quite shag and we went for supper at macs in Vic Park. Wanted to bring them to Icey Ice but well, they decided to close earlier than their closing hours.
Went over to Sing's house with Diana and Pek on friday. Then, we went for mee siam at my girlfriend's place. Sing was dying due to the spicyness of the mee siam. hahahah. After that, Sing came over and leeched our internet from about 10pm on Fri till 8 pm on Sat. hahaha. The picture below is evidence of him leeching our internet for his WOW's Ggodlay.
zzzzzzzzz back to the thick book