well, it is my birthday again. seriously speaking i cannot remember any of my previous birthday. that explain why i have decided to be gay-ish and to blog again. go on, laugh. hahah.
i spend the mins after the clock strike 12 watchin awake online. a very intriguing movie. it is about a heart transplant patient (hayden christensen) going through 'anesthetic awareness' - a phenomenon where the patient is awake despite being put on anesthetic, and he uncover a plot to kill him.
i have just received my photocard driving licence. it is quite cool with the merlion holograms compared to the dull 11b, IC. hahah. i passed my tp on 18th jan. this is the most significant event this year so far. cant wait to go on a roadtrip in aus. hahah.
a very interesting fact about 28th feb ( at least to me ). it is not only my birthday. but it is also my dad's birthday. i share the date with my dad. hahah. i bet i was the best birthday gift he ever receive. hahaha. happy birthday to me and happy birthday to my dad.
well this is most likely the last birthday i am going to spend in singapore and the best place to spend it is none other than my house. hahah. i am just going to stay home and enjoy the day myself. i have always felt that birthday is a very personal thing and the best way to spend it is to be alone and to think about your life so far. maybe a quiet dinner with close ones would be good as well. this is only my own personal perspective. i would like to thank all of all my sweet friends that wished me happy birthday. especially doggy jie who wished me thrice, twice on phone and a sms. i have no idea why he did that. maybe he was drunk. haha.
here is my wish for the year. i want to spend more quality time with family, bros and grandma. i want to save up a substantial amount so i do not need to be overly reliant on my mum. i want to settle everything involving my studies next year. i want to travel overseas with my bros. i want to grow up. i want to ORD.
i shall end my first post with the cutest birthday present i have ever received.

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