I am seriously on a whole new level of preoccupied-ness. Lesser PES time, sleep-overs, eating out etc. I have really never felt entrusted with such responsibility before.
But when he rest his head on my lap as he fall asleep, I suddenly feel that everything is worth it. And no, I am not gay.
Oliver is my new pup.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sem 2
Perth is damn cold right now! Landed in Perth on Monday morning after an unexpected detour to Darwin. First week been pretty good. healthy living. 9pm sleep and porridge to nurse my illness. hahah.
Not really in a mood to elaborate on anything. haha.
Monday, June 22, 2009
No more school for a month. Singapore for 3 weeks. Results in 2 weeks.
Yesterday we had a BBQ-Steamboat + horror movie marathon over at my place to celebrate Jeff's 21st! Me, Jiang, Nurul, Diana, Celestine, Audrey, Pek, Jeff and Frankie. Happy birthday, Joon Yee! We watched The Eye and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Quite scary only. hahah. We should have more hang out like this next sem!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
1 down 3 to go
Finished with econ1101 yesterday. acct1101 tomorrow and econ1111 on tues. last paper mgmt1135 on 17th.
Been studying with diana, sean, pek, jeff and celest at the new business school. Hope all this studying till 3am etc pays off despite many short/long breaks or dota or cs in between.
I feel so not stressed this time around during exams. Not because I have done consistent work throughout but more like I have gain +100 composure from all previous last minute sessions before exams. hahaha.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Guys please watch diversity here
Friday, May 29, 2009
Well if you are wondering that the hell is Bing all about, I am afraid you are alittle behind time in the geek world. Bing is Microsoft's answer to google! However, it does more than that, it is a 'Decision Engine'.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Hello Winter
It finally feels like winter now in Perth. I went to Kmart yesterday with D and I bought myself a heater and a flask having previously felt that i could pull through with thick clothings and an extra blanket. Well i might but there are days where ya just do not feel like being-cold-from-the-moment-ya-open-ya-eyes-till-ya-close-ya-eyes.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
bon voyage
baoooooooo just touched down yesterday and went back just now. hahah. get well soon baooo.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Hell Week
Today is my FA assignment dateline, tomorrow is my OB assignment dateline, Micro assignment is due on wednesday and Quants assignment is due on thursday. Nice. FML!
Monday, May 4, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Boring Draw
I just wasted 90mins of my life watching chelsea stubbornly refuse to attack.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Easter Break
Monday, April 13, 2009
Been staying over at Jeff and my gf's place these days. Pek went back to singapore to enjoy all the good food. Exams this sat and next friday. Assignment deadlines after that. Nothing interesting to update. hahah. Will try to update more when i have the time! Happy Easter everyone!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
This weekend was really packed and hectic. Weekend for me starts on thursday as I have no lessons on friday. hahah. Well on Thursday, we went to fish and crab again. It was kind of rushed so only Audrey joined us. We did not prepared well enough and thus we only reached the place at about 7pm and there was like alot of people there taking up all the good spots. So we got owned big time by the China dudes there. We only caught 1 crab compared to their 10+ crabs. lol. It was a miserable return considering our previous 23 crabs. But well, at least we caught a big crab for Audrey. We will be back soon and no mercy next time.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Homemade Lunch

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009
Monday Blues

Monday, March 9, 2009
Coldplay Concert

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me/Dad

Friday, February 27, 2009
First Week of School
Thursday, February 19, 2009
4 years and going strong
Today i realize that scents can really invoke your senses. I gave my gf her wish list number one, the perfume, Escada Moon Sparkle for our anni. I tried it and it really smells so sweet that i felt like i just ate some honey. hahahah.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Its a Mad World Afterall
I reckon it is better to live in a place terrorised by nature's fury than an inhumane society where you send those old enough to a nursing home in a neighbouring country. So much for moral education and filial piety Mr Khaw Boon Wan.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
lack of updates
Sorry for the lack of updates. My gf just went back two days ago but now i got to arrange something big. And well, time is not on my side. So many things to do with so little time left. hahah.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2 0 0 9
I just woke up missing the first morning of 2009. hahah. I spend the last day of 2009 with all my beloved relatives, friends and gf at my place having dinner. It was a fitting year to a good year.
In 2008, i got my driving license in one try and i have been fairly safe on the roads except for a few kerb striking and mounting experience. I went to hongkong, JB, Shen Zhen, Macau and Western Australia. I got promoted to 2SG and I ORD-ed. I made a few good friends and I lost a few good friends.
Well 2008 passed by quickly due to NS taking up 11 of the 12 months. I am just glad that I am finally out of the service. hahah.
In 2009, i will be staying in perth and coming back to singapore for holidays, going through university life, finally be 21 and get a car. I hope to pick up a new sport, visit at least a country that i have never been to, do well in my studies and i want to make more new friends without losing any good friends.
I wish everyone reading this blog a happy 2009!